Greater Boston is a booming area for healthcare. Hospitals and long-term care facilities, biotech and medical research are all major industries here. All members of the healthcare sector share common concerns about productivity and safety across their campuses. Whether attending to patient care in a hospital or residential care setting or innovating new treatments and technologies in a laboratory, the healthcare industry is constantly moving at a fast-pace. It is an industry in need of communications infrastructure that can keep up with the ongoing and increasing needs of its workforce. KTS is an expert in helping to address these concerns. Read more about our solutions in the Healthcare Services and Life Science sectors.
Cell phones are now a tool for every employee; they are an integral part of day-to-day communications. If communication is interrupted or delayed by dead zones productivity is hindered. If a team member has to wander about to find a signal, they are not getting the best out of the communications network and they are wasting precious time. Additionally, if everyone cannot be reached in an emergency then safety and security is compromised. Ensuring that communication is continuously available in every corner of the workplace requires a straightforward solution: cellular Bi-directional amplifiers (BDAs). Cellular BDAs are a practical and inexpensive solution to ensure cell coverage to every corner of the campus. They take the existing cell signal and redirect and amplify it to ensure complete coverage in your workplace.
The healthcare sector also must ensure the safety and security of staff, patients and intellectual property. Vital solutions like mass notification systems that reach staff via text, voice and loudspeaker are key to keeping everyone safe and informed in the event of an emergency. Access control systems keep the building secure from intruders and allow for visitors to be registered and accounted for. The same access control system can also restrict and limit access to selected areas of the building in order to manage who can have access to research areas thus securing intellectual property.
KTS is the go-to-partner for leading healthcare organizations in the Greater Boston area to ensure that their communications infrastructure supports their network demands today and in the future. We serve as a critical planning advocate to healthcare clients, ensuring their communications backbone is strong and scales as new technologies are integrated into the network, as facilities are upgraded and as campuses are expanded. We save our healthcare clients time and money by being actively involved early in the planning and design process for any and all initiatives affecting the communications network.
If you are interested in learning more about partnering with KTS to improve your communication technology contact us. We are ready to help you in the race to strengthen your infrastructure and anticipate your future needs.