KTS Provides a Comprehensive Approach to a Complex Problem

School Safety

KTS specializes in designing and installing comprehensive, practical security solutions for schools.

MA College Campus

Securing our schools – public and private from kindergarten to college – is imperative and at KTS, it is an issue that we are passionate about helping to solve.

We work with all schools from private and public universities and colleges to public school systems for integrated school safety solutions.

New Hampshire and Massachusetts

We pride ourselves on our practical, proven approach to school safety solutions to meet your needs and budget. Regionally, we cover MA east of Springfield to Boston, NH south of Concord, and VT south of White River Junction.

The Massachusetts States House

State governments, including New Hampshire and Massachusetts, are evaluating programs and allocating funding via grants to help public schools enhance school safety at the local level including security and communications upgrades covering alarm equipment, cameras, access control solutions, panic alarms and gunshot detection systems.

Within communities, superintendents, administrators, first responders and school safety officers are reviewing district and individual school safety plans, completing security assessments to identify and prioritize areas of risk.

Gun and Gunshot Detection Systems

As we have sadly learned, schools are a soft target for those determined to cause harm to others. It is essential to have a school safety plan where the individual elements are connected and integrated for prevention, detection and quick response.

A comprehensive school security solution includes these 7 components:

Cellular BDAs School Safety Security Systems
Mass Notifications School Safety Equipment
Mass Notification
Surveillance Camera School Safety Security Systems
Intrusion Detection School Safety Security
Blue Emergency Campus Phone - School Security Systems
Emergency Phones
Distress Systems
School Safety Security Access Control Systems
Access Control
Gun and Gun Shot Detection - School Security Systems
Gun and Gun Shot

Distress / Panic Systems

As part of an emergency phone system, an important component is incorporating silent panic systems to enable students, faculty and staff to reach authorities quickly and easily. Alyssa’s Law, which is being enacted in several states and has been introduced at the Federal level, calls for installation of these silent panic alarms directly linked to authorities. Our systems include wireless systems to enable this safety element to be available on a bus, for example.

Gun and Gun Shot Detection Systems

Gun detection and gunshot detection systems are another recommended element of one’s school safety system to enable rapid response. Shooter detection systems incorporate video to identify an active shooter, rapidly notifying authorities to promote quick action and intervention prior to gunshots being detected. The next level of defense is gun shot detection systems, again notifying authorities within seconds, and with integration to the surveillance cameras, access control systems and security systems, lockdowns are initiated. We offer a range of solutions to best meet your needs and budget.

Working with KTS ensures an integrated, comprehensive security solution incorporating all essential security elements. Contact KTS today to discuss your school safety plan and priorities. We can help you assess your current systems, prioritize improvements and develop a phased plan to work within your budget. Together we can protect your students, staff and faculty.

Contact KTS

School security and safety systems

Stay informed with KTS’s blog.

Read our latest blog on school safety:

Education’s Urgent Challenge: School Security

School security

Learn with KTS’s webinars.

Watch our webinar on school safety:

School Safety: Experts in Creating a Safer Community

Cellular BDAs for school security

Does your School’s Security Plan include Cellular BDAs?

We find most schools do not have reliable cell coverage to confidently reach students and staff across campus. We have seen this situation on the news where the 911 operator could not hear the caller, or the notification of a situation did not reach everyone across the school grounds.


Where is your school in evaluating your security solution?

KTS Design, Install, Support School Safety Security Equipment Services
Education clients benefit the most from KTS’ expertise when we are involved early in the process.


Just like educating students, a proper plan is the right place to start. Invite KTS to your planning table and you will save time and money.

Learn More About Planning


Do you need an updated assessment or security design to apply for grant money? Is your security plan over 3 years old? It’s time for an update.

Learn More About Design


Advances in security technology offer tremendous improvements in installing a comprehensive and practical school safety solution. Count on KTS to help you prioritize where system upgrades could dramatically improve safety. We’ll work with you to confirm your needs and work within your budget to improve school safety.

Learn More About Installation

Partial list of education clients:

Why KTS for School Safety

  • Proven. The finest educational institutions have counted on KTS for over 40 years for our expertise and consultative approach that saves our clients time and money while delivering scalable, reliable solutions.
  • Reliable. We forge partnerships with our clients so you can count on us to do what we say when we say we will.
  • Quality. Professionals providing superior customer service and quality workmanship. Work done on-time with no trace left behind.
  • Highly trained professionals. BICSI-certified RCDD (Registered Communications Distribution Designers) and BICSI-certified technicians. All technicians are CORI/background checked, CPR certified. MA CommBuys number.
  • Best-in-class technologies. We partner with the best-in-class technologies and will assist you in evaluating technologies to best meet your needs and budget.

Contact us to discover why so many organizations count on KTS to optimize their performance, functionality and security.

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