Are the Right Seats Filled at Your Planning Table?
As you plan for the next fiscal year, have you thought about who will be at your planning table during the annual budgeting process? Do you have all the right advisors at the planning table? Do they have the expertise you need?
For many of our customers, including those in the education sector, we are entering prime planning season for the fiscal year that begins July 1st. If this timing aligns with your organization’s fiscal year, you are likely identifying priorities, separating needs from wants and starting to put together budget numbers.
It’s important to have the right input and expertise to help you prioritize, scope and phase efforts so as to increase the likelihood that your budget requests will get approved. KTS is regularly invited to the planning table to help our customers review their needs and phase big, multi-year projects into smaller phased initiatives which increases the likelihood of getting those projects approved in the budget. We can help you prioritize, plan and phase projects to get the most out of your budget. We are experienced at helping our customers phase larger projects over multiple fiscal years allowing progress without straining the budget.
Now is the time to get this work done, well in advance of sitting down to budget negotiations, so that you can effectively make your case for the budget you need.
If you are looking to improve, add to or update your communications infrastructure, KTS is here to help.
Four Ways KTS Can Help
- Cellular Reception
If your cellular reception is unreliable, safety and productivity are at risk. In an emergency you need your call to connect. Day-to-day, if people have calls dropping or are wandering the corridors looking for bars on their phone, they are frustrated and not getting work done. KTS can help you find the right solution. In many cases, a cellular bi-directional amplifier (BDA) is the most straightforward solution to getting reliable cell reception across your campus. - Wireless Access
Is wireless access spotty throughout your workplace? You may have outdated access points or access points that are installed in less than optimal locations. KTS can map your location to determine the correct placement of access points. We can give you the best wireless across your campus and also move existing access points to new locations, replacing obsolete access points. Read this case study about how KTS helped a local hospital system improve their wireless access. - Network Infrastructure
Network infrastructure is the backbone of your communications network. If it can’t support the speeds you need, those faster devices won’t be any faster. You can’t exceed the speed of the network cabling. If it is old and can’t support the speeds you need, it may be time to upgrade your network cabling. You risk reliability, security and scalability if your network infrastructure hasn’t been updated in the past three to five years. KTS can evaluate your network cabling and help you ensure that it can support your needs. Read the case studies (Part I and Part II) about one school who phased network infrastructure improvements over two budget cycles. - A/V Solutions
Whether you need a full A/V room or a portable solution, KTS has options to fit your needs, space and budget. If you don’t have space that can be designated for an A/V room, we have Artome M-10, a compact, portable, turnkey solution that turns any room into an A/V room.
When you invite us to your planning table as you review next year’s budgetary needs, KTS can help you get the most impact from your budget and avoid cost overruns and project delays.
It’s go time! Contact KTS today to start effective planning, scoping and developing budgetary numbers. We can help eliminate some of the stress from budget season and increase your confidence.