KTS Blog and Events
A Break Unlike Any Other
Common Priorities to Prepare for Next Semester Winter break at most colleges and universities will be longer than normal this year. Many are finishing up on-campus at Thanksgiving and not planning for students to return until mid- to late January. This break is...
Reliable Cell Coverage
You Need It, and the Solution Is Easier than You Think Many people are working from home right now, however many others can’t work from home. We all know essential workers, in many fields, who never stopped making their daily commute. Hospitals, research labs and...
Cell Coverage: an Increasing Priority for Healthcare
Hospitals were stretched to their limits last spring. Nursing homes and long-term care facilities were locked down. Communication was at a premium and reliable cell service was often a key to getting information to the right people. Medical professionals found...
School is Back in Session: How’s It Going?
Many area colleges and universities have made the decision to bring students back to campus in person this fall. They have done so by crafting detailed plans to address the concerns of Covid-19 while still ensuring a quality in-person – though socially distanced –...
State of the Art Cabling
In these changing times, you need to count on your organization’s communications infrastructure to be reliable, scalable and secure. The structured cabling system for your business is literally its backbone, but it’s easy to take it for granted. Is your network up to...
Covid-19: Get Prepared Now for the Second Wave
As New England’s Covid-19 case numbers continue to remain low, area hospitals have a respite to evaluate their needs as they anticipate another wave of Covid-19 this fall arriving right along with flu season. There are some key things that hospitals are assessing as...
The College Campus: A Shifting Dynamic
As schools look toward opening up to students for the fall semester, they are seeking – and finding – creative solutions to adapt their campuses to the requirements of social distancing. The summer of 2020 finds KTS working on some of these projects for schools around...
Making the Grade: Four Essential Components for Higher Ed to Be Ready for the Fall
Colleges and universities are working hard right now to adapt their methods for delivering high quality, higher education while addressing Covid-19 concerns. It seems nearly every day a major college in the US announces their plan for returning to campus this fall....
Communications: Keeping Our Elders Connected
The Second in a Series of Blogs to Assist Long-term Care Facilities Long-term care facilities and assisted living communities have faced many challenges during the pandemic. Our recent blog shared how KTS can help with cohorting, quickly separating sick patients...
Cohorting: Keeping our Elders Safe
The First in a Series of Blogs to Assist Long-term Care Facilities Long-term care facilities have been hard hit by the coronavirus because they are home to the most vulnerable members of our society. With many ill and far too many succumbing to the illness, long term...