The Second in a Series on Upgrading University Communication Technology

Cellular BDAs improve campus wireless signalWalk through any college campus and you will see students going from building to building on their phones. Many universities now provide every student with an iPad or other tablet. Wander through a dorm and in every room you will find some combination of computers, laptops, smart televisions, gaming devices and cell phones. There are several devices for each student. Ask most students and they will tell you connectivity is their highest priority. So modern colleges and universities face the challenge of ensuring that their students and staff are constantly connected everywhere on the campus.

Methods of university education have changed. The work has become more collaborative among students and between students and professors. To make this extensive collaboration successful, students increasingly rely on wireless access to complete class work, communicate with faculty and update classmates on group projects. This only works if everyone is connected across the campus.

Keeping students connected continuously is not just a convenience it is also a matter of security. In an emergency it is imperative that everyone on campus can make a call to reach first responders as well as to receive broadcast alerts to let them know what is happening and get instructions on how to remain safe. From dorm rooms to green spaces to remote playing fields every corner of a campus needs to have the same quality signal strength. Everyone needs to be reachable on any device anywhere on campus.

Many campuses are a combination of older – often historic – buildings and new LEED certified green buildings. Both types of buildings offer challenges to signal strength.  The solution to the problem is the same for both types of buildings: cellular Bi-directional Amplifiers or BDAs. (Read more about BDAs.) BDAs enhance wireless reception in buildings where cellular coverage is unreliable; they do this by capturing, amplifying and redirecting the signal. KTS has the expertise to determine the optimal locations to install BDAs and the experience to do so while respecting your architecture, be it old or new.

When you partner with KTS to evaluate your wireless access they will help you find the most practical solutions to ensure that the far corners of your campus have strong wireless signals. Students and faculty will have the access they need to be able to work effectively. They will also feel confident in an emergency that they will be able to make and receive notifications no matter where they happen to be on the campus.

KTS is an expert in BDA installation. They will assess your campus and determine the best locations for BDA installation to help you keep your staff and students safe and connected. If you are interested in learning more about partnering with KTS for your school security contact us.

KTS: We connect the disconnect.