For many, September is a time to review their progress and make sure that their priorities for the year are on track. It’s a time to get back to basics and focus on getting that list of priorities accomplished. While fall is typically a transition time, this fall in particular is a time of transition for many organizations and businesses.
Reconfiguring & Planning
As businesses and colleges go back to an in-person environment, many are reevaluating space, i.e. what space they have and how best to use that space to meet their needs. Such changes always connect back to the communications infrastructure. If back to basics includes reconfiguring space, we’re here to help you reconfigure or upgrade your backbone cabling to ensure reliable and scalable bandwidth.
Colleges need more space with reliable access to the network, and many are recognizing the need to upgrade their backbone cabling to meet this demand. As some offices are growing and eager to move to larger in-person spaces, others are redefining how their office space is used. Whether it is new and larger office space or an innovative approach to a shared hybrid work place, that strong communications backbone is key. Read more here.
Added Demand on the Network
For so many months, hospitals have been challenged by their increased patient load and the technology demands that the pandemic placed on them. Giving tablets to isolated patients allowed them to communicate with the staff – thus conserving the scarce PPE that was available – and their families. It was a brilliant idea that hospital staff implemented quickly, but all those extra phones and tablets were added to an already busy network that uses electronic patient charts and high-tech wireless equipment. This demand on the communications network slows it down if the backbone cabling can’t keep up.
Growth & Expansion of Research Labs
Lab space around New England is increasing. As a hub of science and medicine, it is no surprise that greater Boston is becoming home to more research and manufacturing laboratories. These new labs require secure and reliable backbone cabling. Read the case study on recent work in a secure lab facility with multiple lab tenants and how we designed and installed the fiber upgrade.

A Strong Backbone is Key
Reliable communications infrastructure is the backbone of every workplace and that backbone needs to be reliable, strong and up-to-date. For every business, hospital, laboratory or educational institution, the strength of your communications backbone determines how data and information flows. If you don’t have the speed and bandwidth you need, it’s likely your communications infrastructure needs to be strengthened to support growing demands. Whatever “Back to Basics’ looks like for your business or organization, KTS is here to help you plan and get your communications backbone up to speed.