What are you waiting for road sign

The first of July is right around the corner. For many of our customers, including the education sector, July first is the start of the new fiscal year. Remember those budget items that you submitted months ago and made sure were included in anticipation of your needs for the next year? Those are now on the table, funded and ready to be addressed. 

So, what are you waiting for?

If you already have funds allocated for those network infrastructure improvements, cell phone reception issues or wireless access woes, KTS is here to help you get them done. Get the work scheduled now so those issues and opportunities are addressed. 

This is what we do.

These projects are our core competencies. For almost 40 years, we’ve been helping customers plan and phase projects to address needs before they become problems.  

For example:

  • Network cabling installation and upgrades

If your network cabling is older, when you add equipment that supports faster speeds in the workplace without upgrading that network cabling, you’ll never achieve the speeds that the new equipment promises. You should evaluate your network cabling every 3 to 5 years to be sure it is providing you with optimal service. Read about how this school phased their network cabling upgrade across budget cycles. 

  • Poor cellular reception

A number of factors can affect cellular reception, from concrete or brick walls to energy-efficient Low-e glass, to your proximity to the area cell towers. The addition of a cellular Bi-directional amplifier (BDA) typically solves this problem for our customers, improving cell reception in the workplace which reduces everyone’s frustration and increases safety. Read how this local university improved cell reception in their police department.

  • Unreliable wireless access

As more devices are added to the wireless network and more people are moving about with them, you’ll inevitably find yourself needing additional wireless access points. This straightforward solution can make major improvements in productivity. Read how one hospital systems upgraded access points on multiple campuses.

If you  address your issues now while students are on summer break, while people are on vacation and while the summer slow-down is underway then, when the fall rolls around, you’ll be feeling like the hero when students, staff and faculty notice the improvements in your communications across campus and it will be one less thing on your to-do list when work gets busy again.

Contact us to plan, scope and phase your upcoming projects so we can help you get the most out of your budget.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s already in the budget. We’re here to get it done!

KTS. We Connect the Disconnect.