Construction projects have many work streams and dependencies. Multiple contractors, tight timelines and risks of being late and over budget. As an IT Director or Facilities Manager, your plate is overflowing with day to day work and coordinating with the general...
There is great value in having one go-to partner. A partner saves you time. A partner saves you money. Lahey Health has relied on KTS to be their partner for many years. From routine office moves, adds and changes to planning for and installing network redundancy and...
KTS has been functioning as a natural extension of IT departments for over three decades. Our IT colleagues commonly have a plate that is overflowing with priorities and projects and a lack of available time and resources to get the job done. We especially find this...
Below are 7 essential elements in a comprehensive security solution to protect people and property. If you have any questions, gaps or concerns, let us know. KTS can help you connect any disconnects with best-in-class security solutions. CELLULAR BDAs Cellular BDA’s...